Thursday, September 23, 2010

This Fine Day

makes me
how different


I wish today
could last


so I would
not have to
wait until



this fine day

Monday, September 13, 2010

Look Not

Look not; for me to shed any more tears
Nary one left, from those waterfall years
Instead I evoke past's love in my heart
Treasured emotions that did not depart

Lucky am I to have loved one so deep
Fortunate still, that you visit my sleep
Dreams that allow me to keep you engraved
Ever so grateful your love has been saved

Friday, September 10, 2010

Quiet Wealth

The vast sea enfolds me
cocooning wealth of mind
Encased in salty treasures
alone's fortune; do I find

My solitude of lexis
bespeaks abundant word

Prosperity at it's finest
riches much preferred

I steal from it's abundance
a bounty paid in verse
A priceless compensation
quenching quiet thirst